SMH-2P-12D Module Handler

High-quality pick and place module handler

Automated Module Handler for Mass Production

Improved productivity in high-volume manufacturing

The SMH-2P-12D is a semi-automated Pick and Place module handling system which is fully integrated with the Triad Spectrum module tester and intuitive software GUI. The handler enables operator-free processing after loading/ unloading and testing.

The heat chamber is equipped for high-capacity testing enviroments to minimize potential issues.

Module Tray Placement

Supports various pin counts (288, 262, 260, 240) and IC density (x4, x8, x16)

Easy operation and easy maintenance

Hot-Temperature Chamber

Precise temperature control

Tester Docking

Equipped with Triad Spectrum testers to achieve high precise testing standard


Dual set of Grippers for transfer and sorting memory modules efficiently

Enhanced Features

Designed for ease of operation

  • Designed for different types of DIMM modules: Register/ Unbuffered DIMM, SODIMM, VLP-DIMM, etc
  • Supports various Pin Counts (288/ 262/ 260/ 240) and IC/ density (x4, x8, x16)
  • Integrated with the Triad Spectrum module tester to increase the testing capacities
  • Heat Chamber: Temperature ranges from 25 to 100°C, tolerance : +/- 3°C, rising time around 8 minute
  • Automatic Pick & Place handling system is easy to use for high throughput mass production
  • Dual set of Grippers for transfer and sorting standard DIMM memory module efficiently
  • Offers precision Pass/ Fail Sorting and eliminate operator errors


Item Description Specs
Product Model Memory Module Registered (R), Unbuffered (U), SODIMM, LRDIMM & VLP-DIMM
Carrier Module Tray 2R x 25 pieces ( UDIMM, RDIMM, VLP-DIMM ); 3R x 25 pieces ( SODIMM )
Manual Tray Number of Trays 4 each ( 2 Loads, 1 Good, 1 Fail )
** Manual build trays
Robot Pick & Place X, Y, Z-Axis
Number of Picker Gripper 2 Pickers: Shared pickers
Operation Time Heat Chamber Operation Index Time: 66 sec ( First loading )
Cycle Time: 144 sec ( Unload + Sort + Load )
[ Designed Specs ]
1. Test Time = 0 sec
2. BIN Sort = All pass only
3. Minimum test time = 99 sec
Heat Chamber Hot Temperature Operation Temperature Range: 25 ~ 100°C
Tolerance +/-3°C
Rising time around 8 min
Standby Temperature → 100°C: 1 min
Jam Rate   1/5,000
Dimensions (WxDxH) Handler Dimensions 2440 mm x 1530 mm x 1765 mm
Utility Power 220V (Single phase), 8.8KW, 40A
Air Pressure 0.5MPa, 12Φ-1 Line
Interface Protocol Tester to Handler TCP/IP
Handler Control Controller Control PC

Software Screenshots

Main Operating Screen

Lot Count Report

Binning Report

Recipe Manager

TRIAD SPECTRUM, INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE PRODUCTS, INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. Products and specifications discussed herein are for reference purposes only. All information discussed herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranties of any kind.